Weekly Church Safety Update

We are continuing with our theme of training and information to help with our current global pandemic as opposed to news articles related to church safety issues. The feedback has been positive so it is likely we will stay with a similar format going forward. We will still provide links to some of the more pertinent news stories related to church safety because they are good catalyst for your training scenarios. Will also continue to gather and pass along links to articles about training or information that is helpful toward your training goals.

As we prepare to return to in-person worship services here are a few bullet points your team should be considering…

  • Communication to your congregants will b e key to the success of whatever plan you put in place. So prepare your message, get it out early and often, repeat it for the following weeks as well.
  • What the governing body says is allowable and what is best practice may not be the same thing. It is your job to make sure the plan for your church is following best practices for the current conditions.
  • Consider screening questions for those entering the building… Are you sick? Do you have a fever? Have you traveled outside the country in the last 14 days? Have you been exposed to anyone with C-19?
  • Staff, safety team, ushers greeters at a minimum should be wearing masks.
  • designated safe seating arrangements to allow for families to stay together while social distancing from other families. This may require ushers to actually direct people to their seats.
  • Consider using all exits as church is dismissed to prevent unintentional congregating at typical exit points.
  • Eliminate typical communal activities like coffer bar, greeting time, communion, etc.
  • Consider social distancing markers on the floor at any area where cueing is typical, like child check in.
  • Make hand sanitizer available in strategic locations.

Here are links to training articles for this week…

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